
Aromatawai is a way of focusing on the learner, what they can do, and their journey based on knowledge drawn from a relationship between pouako and ākonga.

Rukuhia, Rārangahia (2014) influences our philosophical approaches to aromatawai when working with tumuaki, kaiako, ākonga, whānau and kura. 

Our Māori medium facilitators can support kura to:

  • improve student learning and accelerating achievement in Years 1-13
  • develop, implement and review school wide systems for data collection and analysis
  • assist kura to develop and/or strengthen planning and reporting requirements
  • design and construct assessment activities that they are valid and relevant.

We are able to support kura leaders and kaiako for Year 11-13 students in wharekura. Working alongside Kaiako and kura in wharekura our team members can assist kura to focus on student learning and accelerated achievement that is informed by Te Marautanga o Aotearoa and/or NCEA.

For more information