Work integrated learning resources

Find tools and guidance to implement Work-Integrated Learning in your teaching.

Work-integrated learning (WIL) embeds employability throughout courses, primarily drawing on cooperative learning theories to develop soft and transferable skills and work ethic.

Recommended resources

Books and articles on work-integrated learning

Cooper, L., Orrell, J., & Bowden, M. (2010). Work integrated learning: A guide to effective practice. Abingdon, England: Routledge.

Coll, R. K., & Zegwaard, K. (2011). International handbook for cooperative and work-integrated education: International perspectives of theory, research and practice (2nd ed). Lowell, MA: World Association for Cooperative Education.

Trede, F.,  &  McEwen, C. (Eds.). (2016). Educating the deliberate professional: Preparing for future practices. Basel, Switzerland: Springer.

Archer, W., and Davison J. (2008). Graduate employability: What do employers think and want? London, England: Council for Industry and Higher Education (CIHE).

Redecker, C., Leis, M.,Leendertse, M., Punie, Y., Gijsbers, G., Kirschner, P., Stoyanov, S., & Hoogveld, B. (2011). The future of learning: Preparing for change. Luxembourg, Luxembourg: JRC European Union.

If you are interested in examining theories and practices related to WIL in greater depth, a specialised paper is offered as part of the PGCert in Tertiary Teaching and Learning. For further details, please contact