Loose | Lose
The spelling of these two words is very similar, and their pronunciation does not directly match their spelling, so students sometimes confuse 'loose' and 'lose'.
Lose is a verb that is related to loss. It means fail to win or be deprived of, or misplace. (It rhymes with 'snooze')
But hey I got myself ♫ nothin' to lose.
♪ You're gonna lose that girl ♫
♫♪ If I ever lose my faith in you ♪
Here are some ordinary sentences (not from songs) as examples:
He's gambled nearly all his money, so he thinks that he now has nothing to lose.
We've got the better team; you have no choice but to lose the game.
Keep your keys on a chain in your pocket or you may lose them to a street pickpocket.
Loose (rhymes with goose, or moose). Have you ever heard of a loose goose?
Loose is an adjective. It means the opposite of tight... not tight.
Oh, be careful, your shoelace is loose.
Stop, don't use that chair, it has a loose screw.
Don't bother talking to him, he has a screw loose.
Loose as a verb
Loose is occasionally used as a verb to mean to release or to relax. It is rather old-fashioned now.
Halt right there! or I'll loose the dogs.
You look tired, you need to loosen up a bit more.