Completing assessments involves careful time management and developing other transferable skills that are integral to your learning.

Student Learning has a range of resources available to help you complete your assessments.

These include advice on academic skills such as studying and writing, time management, mathematics and statistics, and how to approach different types of assessments (e.g. oral presentations, case studies).

Assessment map

With the Moodle Assessment Map, you can get an overview of assessments across one or all your papers. You can also use the Assessment Map to plan which papers to take, as you can modify it to include any papers. You don't need to be enrolled in a paper to add it. However, some assessments may change by the time the paper starts. See Using the Moodle Assessment Map for more information.

To access the map:

  1. Go to your Moodle Dashboard.
  2. At the top right of the page, in the My Moodle block, select Assessment Map.

Assessment Map example


  • Circles represent assessments, larger or smaller according to their percentage of the paper grade total. Hover on assessments to display more details.
  • Only Moodle Assignments, Lessons, and Quizzes are displayed, so you may not see all your assessments.


Help with technology

If you are looking for guidance on MoodleMaharaTurnitinPanopto and other technologies (including how to submit assignments online), check the help with technology pages.

You can also book a consultation with Student Learning for further assistance with any of these aspects.


If you require extra time to complete an assessment, ask for an extension before the due date. Extensions should be agreed to in writing by the paper’s lecturer. Unless an extension in writing has been granted, a lecturer may refuse to accept a piece of work which is submitted after the specified date. They may award it no mark or may lower the mark as a penalty for lateness.

Deadlines will not be extended beyond two weeks after the last teaching day of the semester(s) in which the paper is taught, as final grades must go to the Board of Examiners at this time.

See also the Regulations and guidelines page in this handbook.