Violence Prevention

We're committed to creating safe campuses through violence prevention initiatives and education. Discover how to access support and get involved in building a safe University community.

If you or someone else are in immediate danger, call 111.  If you cannot speak, stay silent and press 55. Download the Silent Solution PDF for more information.

What is Violence Prevention?

Violence Prevention is part of the Student Health Service and provides initiatives that are aimed at the whole university community with the intention of preventing interpersonal violence before it occurs and promoting a safe university community. These initiatives include workshops, online learning, campaigns and events, and advice/support to staff and student leaders who are supporting students from the Violence Prevention Coordinator.

The Violence Prevention team includes the Violence Prevention Coordinator and Violence Prevention Health Promoter. Volunteer Student Violence Prevention Ambassadors also support Violence Prevention initiatives.

Keep up to date with Violence Prevention on Instagram.

Download and read our Respectful Relationships and Interactions in Aotearoa New Zealand (PDF, 1.1MB) pamphlet.

Where can I find support?

The Student Health Service is able to provide on-campus support, resources and referrals for students experiencing interpersonal violence. The team is supported by the Violence Prevention Coordinator who provides specialist knowledge and support.

For information on UniSafe (campus security) go to Student Safety or call 07 838 4444.

For more information regarding services and support both internally and externally, head to 'Violence Prevention Support'