Copy recordings

Help page for staff. How to copy a recording in Panopto.

Copy recordings 

There are 2 types of copy recording: Full Copy and Reference Copy. You can also add a Panopto recording to a central section of a Moodle paper from your personal folder or from another paper's folder via the new Panopto video activity or the Panopto button in Moodle. 

  • If you make a full copy, edits in the copy will not affect the original. This generates a complete copy of the video, devoid of references to the original, enabling independent editing. 

  • If you make a reference copy, edits in the copy will be matched in the original. Reference copies are linked to the original source video but have a completely fresh slate of viewer-contributed metadata. 

Steps to do a Full Copy

  1. Go to the University of Waikato's Panopto server:

  2. Sign in using drop-down menu in the top right corner using your standard Waikato account details.

  1. Select Browse on the left-hand side, then select the desired recording.

4. Tick your desired recording, then select copy on the popped up box.

5. Chose the designated folder and select copy.

Steps to do a Reference Copy

  1. Log in by following steps 1 and 2 above.
  2. In your desired recording, select Settings.
  3. Select manage. 
  4. In the Manage tab, select Create Reference Copy.