Centre for Environmental, Resources and Energy Law

The Centre for Environmental, Resources and Energy Law - Te Putahi o te Ture Taiāo is hosted by Te Piringa – School of Law, Politics, and Philosophy at the University of Waikato. It was established in 2011 along with the Māori and Indigenous Governance Centre – Te Mata Hautū Taketake with the particular support of the Dean of the Faculty, Professor Bradford Morse.

CEREL draws on the most substantial concentration of academic expertise in New Zealand in environmental law, natural resources law, and energy law. Working together with the University’s flagship research institutes including the Environmental Research Institute and Te Kotahi Research Institute, CEREL adds depth to the University’s research platforms in environment and natural resources in matters requiring legal analysis and research.

Key activities

CEREL offers highly-skilled capability in providing research, educational and advisory services. It has considerable experience in working with a range of end-users, including government agencies, international agencies, non-government organisations, corporations and their legal advisers, professional institutions and local agencies. It provides skilled supervision of well-qualified postgraduate students.

It offers:

  • Research into law and policy problems including collaborative research programmes
  • Consultancy services
  • Public conferences and seminars
  • Capacity-building and training services
  • Masters and PhD research projects.