Jo Chamberlain

Meet Jo Chamberlain, Facilitator – Restorative Practice at Te Whai Toi Tangata: Institute of Professional Learning.

Jo Chamberlain


Facilitator - Restorative Practice




  • MOE Accredited 
  • English Medium Accredited 


Restorative Practice


2020  He Papa Tikanga Level 2, Te Wānanga o Aotearoa

1986  Bachelor of Education, University of Canterbury

1986  Diploma of Teaching, Christchurch Teachers College

My Experience

With 3 years’ experience as a facilitator of professional learning, I am currently a Regional Coordinator and Facilitator of PB4L Restorative Practice for Te Whai Toi Tangata: the Institute of Professional Learning. I support school principals and lead teams to implement and embed restorative practices in their school communities, as well as encouraging and fostering learning communities through regional cluster training.

I additionally work for PB4L - School Wide, Ministry of Education, in the Manawatu working alongside kura to develop school wide practices that seek to foster inclusion, connect communities and raise student engagement.

With senior leadership and management experience, having previously worked as a SENCO for over eighteen years, and as a Special Education Advisor on a short term contract for the Ministry of Education, I bring a wealth of knowledge, experience and skills to the Primary sector especially in the area of working with Neuro Diverse ākonga.

Working alongside communities to develop practices that promote inclusion, connection, acceptance and belonging and the best outcomes for our young people, whānau and kaiako inspires me everyday in the work I do.

Me mahi tahi tātou, mo te oranga o te katoa
We should work together for the well being of everyone!

Contact details

Jo Chamberlain
