Using the Moodle Wizards

For staff on how to use the Moodle paper import and gradebook setup wizards.

The Moodle Setup Wizards

The Moodle Setup wizards are designed to help you import content from other Moodle papers and set up and review your Moodle gradebook.

For information about the Paper Outline Setup wizards, see the Paper Outlines section.

If your papers are metapapers or include extra credit assessments, please contact Te Puna Ako (Cettl) or drop in to an AMA session for advice.

How to access the Moodle wizards

moodle access wizards video tb

Wizard 1: Import content

For step-by-step instructions, see:

Moodle wizard 1 import paper content

Wizard 1: Edit Paper Settings

For step-by-step instructions, see:

moodle wizard 1 edit paper settings

Wizard 2: Create gradebook categories

For step-by step instructions, see:

moodle wizard 2

Wizard 3: Add Assessment Items

For step-by-step instructions, see:

moodle wizard 3

Wizard 4: Review gradebook

For step-by-step instructions, see:

moodle wizard 4