
Learn about our upcoming seminars and view recordings of past seminars.


Upcoming ERI Seminars - 2024

Usually every other Wednesday from 12:00 to 13:00.

Speaker Date and time Room Title/Topic Registration link
Ken Hughes (University of Waikato)

2 Oct 2024 

S.1.01 "What does turbulence in the ocean’s thermocline look like?"
Steven Lindow (University of California, Berkeley)

30 Oct 2024

S.1.01 “Understanding Microbial Life on Leaves” Registration


Follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn for the most up to date seminar news.

Past Seminars and Recordings (2024 - 2019)

Speaker Date and time Title Recording
Chris Lusk (University of Waikato) 18 Sept 2024 "Alternative stable states in the mycorrhizal makeup of a New Zealand forest" In Process
Graham McCulloch (University of Otago)

2 Sept 2024

“Anthropogenic evolution of New Zealand's endemic insects: rapid evolution in a fast-changing world” Upon Request
Prof David Schmale III (Virginia Tech University)

21 Aug 2024

"Transport of Microbes at Interfaces" View Recording
David Shuker (University of St Andrews) 14 Aug 2024 "Sexual selection in non-model organisms: costs, benefits, and new views on mating systems" View Recording
Yvette Dickinson (Scion) 30 July 2024 "Designing Forests - Mahi Tahi Whaihua"

View Recording

Roseanna Gamlen-Greene (University of Otago) 6 Jun 2024 “Frogs, bogs and people: Research outcomes improve and the community benefits from science outreach on Haida Gwaii, a remote archipelago in Canada”

View Recording

Holly Winton (Victoria University Wellington) 29 May 2024 "Southern Ocean phytoplankton, aerosols and ice cores: fuelling every other breath you take" Upon Request
Matthew Lachniet (University of Las Vegas) 22 May 2024 "Surface Water Isoscapes from Aotearoa New Zealand: Powerful Tools for Paleoclimatic Interpretation" View Recording
A/Prof William Nardin (University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science) 10 Apr 2024 "Nature-based Solutions for Sea Level Rise Resilience in Chesapeake Bay (Maryland, USA)" View recording
Prof Andrew Weightman (Cardiff University) 20 Mar 2024 "Wastewater based epidemiology from poo to policy and pandemic preparedness" View recording
A/Prof Kevin Rose (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute) 13 Mar 2024 "Understanding and forecasting changes in lake water quality: Insights from research on dissolved oxygen and harmful algal bloom dynamics" View recording
Zhanchao Shao (University of Waikato) 6 Mar 2024 “Classifying estuaries using new satellite-derived optical indicators” View recording
Prof Emily Bernhardt (Duke University) 21 Feb 2024 “Freshwaters in the Anthropocene – the constraints on aquatic ecosystems in a hotter, flashier and heavily managed future” View recording
Prof Robert Dean (Auburn University) 14 Feb 2024 “Environmental and Agricultural Sensors Research" View recording
Dr. Alana Alexander (University of Otago)  13 Dec 2023 From cetaceans to possums and chickadees in between  View recording
Prof. Gareth Enticott (Cardiff University) & Prof. Iain White  15 Nov 2023 Learning from each other: What are the prospects for environmental policy mobility between Wales and New Zealand?  
Dr. Sinead Leahy (NZ Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Research Centre)  11 Oct 2023 Reducing agricultural greenhouse gases – a New Zealand perspective  
Mirco Woelfelscheider (Leibniz Institute for Tropical Marine Research)  4 Oct 2023 Blue Carbon in coastal vegetated ecosystems: Understanding organic matter dynamics in coastal systems with a focus on mangroves in the frame of sea4soCiety  View recording
Jessica Rohde (Victoria University of Wellington)  20 Sept 2023 Advancing your science communication practice with evaluation  View recording
Guilherme Cassales & Nick Lim  13 Sept 2023  Leveraging AI for time series forecasting in forestry and flood prediction  View recording
Erin Hahn (CSIRO, Australia)  16 Aug 2023 Conservation time machine: Harnessing degraded DNA for wildlife protection  View recording
Joel Vaneste (Plant & Food Research)  12 July 2023 Is Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae (Psa) still a threat  to the New Zealand kiwifruit industry?  View recording
Albert Bifet 21 June 2023 "TAIAO - Green AI for Green Aotearoa"  View recording
Marie Magnusson 24 May 2023 "Biotechnology, from idea to implementation - the case of Asparagopsis"  View recording
Sabine Dittmann (Flinders University) 22 Mar 2023 "Translating science into management action:Examples from coastal ecosystems in South Australia"  
Kasey Barton (University of Hawaii) 16 Mar 2023 “Island Plant Functional Syndromes & Competition”  View recording
Hagen Buck-Wiese (Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology) 8 Mar 2023 "Pathways of carbon sequestration by carbohydrates in the ocean"  
Dr. Darren Coker (KAUST) 16 Feb 2023 "Reef fish communities in the Red Sea"  View recording
Aleicia Holland (La Trobe University) 9 Nov 2022 "Down the rabbit hole of dissolved organic matter in freshwater ecosystems"  
Prof Conrad Pilditch 19 Oct 2022 “The cumulative effects of multiple stressors – Erosion of resilience in coastal ecosystems”  View recording
Zhonghou Xu (NIWA) 14 Sept 2022 "Tsunami damage to New Zealand breakwaters - An experimental case study"  View recording
Prof Mark Denny (Stanford University) 30 Aug 2022 "Coping with unpredictable environmental extremes: Insights from intertidal copepods and limpets"  
Dr. Earl Bardsley 17 Aug 2022 “Onslow pumped storage and the green transition:energy, the environment, and climate change adaptation” View recording
Dr. Phil Mourot 10 Aug 2022 A real-time flood impact prediction tool: from models to deployment in a multi-source environment View recording
Dr Chelsea Vickers (VUW) 8 June 2022

Algal microbiome enzymes: What are they and how can we use them for production of high value products and biocontrol agents?

Dr Mike Packer (Cawthron Institute) 11 May 2022

Algal Biotechnology: Application in Environmental Science and Protection

Dr. Julie Deslippe 1 Dec 2021 Alpine ecosystem change  
Dr. Janine Krippner 17 Nov 2021 They said what??! Navigating science communication in the age of social media and scary headlines View recording
Prof Iain White & Dr. Christina Hanna 3 Nov 2021 Managed Retreat(s) and the science-policy-practice interface  
Dr. Rebecca Lawton 22 Sept 2021 Algal Bioremediation: A novel biological treatment method for nutrient rich wastewater  
Tame Malcolm (Te Tira Whakamātaki) 8 Sept 2021 Mātauranga Māori and Biosecurity  
Dr. Kiri Wallace & BioHeritage Eco-Index Team 25 Aug 2021 The BioHeritage Eco-Index: a programme to guide investment in biodiversity Upon Request
Dr. Adele Williamson 28 July 2021 "Replication and Repair Under Extreme Conditions: Lessons from Bacterial Super-Survivors" Upon Request
Dr. Anne Gaskett (University of Auckland) 14 July 2021 “Sensory ecology of seabirds and orchids” Upon Request
Dr. Stephen Archer (Auckland University of Technology) 30 June 2021 "Steps towards understanding the atmospheric microbiome" Upon Request
Dr Charlotte Alster 16 June 2021 "Assessing the temperature response of soil microbes to a changing climate" Upon Request
A/Prof Taciano Milfont 2 June 2021 "The psychology of environmental protection and exploitation" Upon Request
Prof Troy Baisden 19 May 2021 "Developing dual-isotope nitrate studies to understand the sources and fate of excess nitrogen in Aotearoa's freshwaters" Upon Request

Akuhata Bailey-Winiata

Megan Pareue Ranapia

Tyla Jade Kettle
5 May 2021 "Potential exposure of coastal marae and urupā in Aotearoa New Zealand to sea level rise""A co-developed mātauranga Māori and science approach to inform marine research and management: A case study of the eleven-armed starfish, pātangaroa (Coscinasterias muricata) overabundance in Ōhiwa Harbour, Aotearoa New Zealand""Mātauranga Māori to inform understanding of population dynamics and health of pipi in Waihi estuary, Bay of Plenty" Upon Request
A/Prof Melanie Ooi 21 Apr 2021 "Vision systems for the inspection of plants: Why we do it, and why we fail" Upon Request
Dr. Moritz Lehmann 24 Mar 2021 "Horizontal Variability in Lakes: Satellite-based assessment and implications for management" Upon Request
A/Prof Caroline Williams 10 Mar 2021 "Winter in a changing world: The critical importance of snow" Upon Request
Prof Jason Tylianakis (University of Canterbury) 28 Oct 2020 "Unravelling the Web of Life - Species interactions in a changing world" Upon Request
Dr. Erica Prentice 14 Oct 2020 "The Inflection Point Hypothesis: The relationship between the temperature dependence of enzyme catalyzed reaction rates and microbial growth rates" Upon Request
Paul Champion (NIWA) 7 Oct 2020 "The freshwater flora of the Waikato: A 150 year history of change" Upon Request
Dr. Rupert Craggs (NIWA) 30 Sept 2020 "Ecocultural technologies for rural and Māori community on-site treatment" Upon Request
Dr. Priscilla Wehi (Manaaki Whenua) 23 Sept 2020 "Plants and Indigenous ecological knowledge: a view from Māori oral tradition" Upon Request
Dr. Kristal Cain (University of Auckland) 16 Sept 2020 "Fiery females: Form, function & fitness" Upon Request
Dr. Ashley Mortensen (Plant & Food Research) 9 Sept 2020 "Population dynamics of feral and managed honey bees in New Zealand" Upon Request
A/Prof Richard Levy (GNS/Victoria University of Wellington) 19 Aug 2020 "Melting Ice and Rising Seas - Climate Change in Antarctica and its Impact on the Coastal Regions of Aotearoa" Upon Request
Erina Watene-Rawiri 5 Aug 2020 "Indigenous Tuna Management in Waikato, Aotearoa, New Zealand" Upon Request
Dr. David Chagné (Plant & Food Research) 29 July 2020 "Genome-wide patterns of genetic differentiation and demographic history in mānuka grown on Māori land" Upon Request
Dr. Monica Peters 22 July 2020 "#CITIZENSCIENCE principles, action & opportunities: International perspectives & the NZ context" Upon Request
Prof David Schiel (University of Canterbury) 8 July 2020 "Resilience of marine communities and the new abnormal: legacies of the 2016 Kaikōura" Upon Request
Dr. Anna Santure (University of Auckland) 1 July 2020 "Using conservation genomics to predict adaptive potential in the threatened New Zealand hihi" Upon Request
Dr. Jonni Hazeline Koia 17 June 2020 "Te Rep Tipu Research: Kaupapa Māori molecular and genomic research on taonga flora" Upon Request
Dr. Rebecca Gladstone-Gallagher (University of Auckland) 31 July 2019 "Disturbance and resilience in estuaries" Upon Request