School of Law, Politics, and Philosophy


The principal objective of this research is to identify and examine the principles, values and impact of encryption in New Zealand with a view to informing future developments of encryption-related laws and policies. Given than encryption underpins many of the technologies used for computer, data and network security, gaining a better understanding of its legal, technical and social aspects and effects can help strengthen the country’s cybersecurity strategy and policies.

The research is funded by grants from the the New Zealand Law Foundation under its Information Law and Policy Project (ILAPP) and the University of Waikato’s Strategic Investment Fund – Research.

Research team

Principal investigators

Dr Michael Dizon, Te Piringa - Faculty of Law, University of Waikato
Professor Ryan Ko, Faculty of Engineering, Architecture and Information Technology, University of Queensland
Associate Professor Wayne Rumbles, Te Piringa - Faculty of Law, University of Waikato

Research assistants

Joseph Graddy BSocSc (Hons) MAppPsy (Hons) Waikato
Philip McHugh BA BA (Hons) Victoria LLB (Hons) Waikato
Anthony Meehan BCMS (Hons) Waikato
Jean Murray BSocSc (Hons) MA Waikato
Peter Upson BSocSc LLB LLM Waikato
Patricia Gonzalez BA Ateneo MA Ateneo MA (Dist) Newcastle

Collaborators and members of the Advisory Board

Prof Bert-Jaap Koops, Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society (TILT), Tilburg University
Professor Lyria Bennett Moses, UNSW Sydney
Professor Alana Maurushat, Western Sydney University
Associate Professor Alex Sims, University of Auckland Business School


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