Regulations for the Degree of Bachelor of Sport and Human Performance (BSHP)
- The Personal Programmes of Study Regulations apply in these regulations.
- Candidates for the Degree must have qualified for admission to the University of Waikato and met any criteria set out in the Criteria for Admission to Particular Qualifications.
Requirements for the Degree
- The normal minimum period of enrolment for completion of the Degree is three years.
- Candidates must enrol in the Division of Health and follow an approved programme of study.
- Candidates must gain 360 points at 100, 200, 300, and/or 400 levels, including at least 225 points above 100 level and 75 points above 200 level.
- Candidates must complete the requirements of a major.
Healthy Active Living
Human Performance Science
Sport Development and Coaching - To complete the requirements of a single major, candidates must gain 135 points in that major, including at least 105 points above 100 level, of which at least 45 points must be above 200 level. Candidates must also meet any specific requirements prescribed for the major in the relevant subject entry in the Subject Regulations.
- Candidates completing a single major may also complete a minor by gaining 60 points in any minor subject, including at least 30 points above 100 level. Candidates must also meet any specific requirements prescribed for the minor in the relevant subject entry in the Subject Regulations.
- Candidates may complete a second major in any undergraduate major.
- To complete the requirements of a double major, candidates must gain 120 points in each major, including at least 90 points above 100 level, of which at least 45 points must be above 200 level. Candidates must also meet the specific requirements prescribed for each major in the relevant subject entry in the Subject Regulations.
- Candidates must also complete at least 105 points from papers listed for the field of the Degree if completing a single major, or at least 120 points from papers listed for the field of the Degree if completing a double major, including HELTH102; HELTH120; 30 points from BIOMD101, DANCE101, HPSCI101, HTHPR101, SDCOA101, SDCOA102; HELTH220; and at least 15 points from HELTH381, HELTH382, HELTH391 or HECSS363/STEMX363.
- A paper completed towards the requirements of a major cannot be counted towards the requirements of another major or a minor, or towards the papers for the degree.
- Candidates may take up to 120 points from outside the field of the Degree.
- The field of the Degree comprises all of the majors listed in section 6 of these regulations as well as all HELTH coded papers and all other papers listed in section 11 of these regulations.
Conjoint component requirements – Single major only
- Candidates must gain a minimum of 255 points at 100, 200, 300 and 400 levels, including at least 150 points above 100 level and 60 points above 200 level.
- Candidates must complete the requirements of a major, as specified in sections 6 and 7.
- Candidates must complete at least 105 points from papers listed in the field of the Degree, as specified in section 11. However, candidates may substitute any of the following papers for any other field of the Degree papers:
- HELTH102, if the candidate completes the Disciplinary Foundations requirements of their other conjoint component as defined on that page.
- HELTH220, if the candidate completes the Cultural Perspectives requirement of their other conjoint component as defined on that page.
- HELTH381, HELTH382, HELTH391 or HECSS363/STEMX363, if the candidate completes the Work-Integrated Learning requirement of their other conjoint component as defined on that page.
- Candidates may take further points from outside the field of the Degree to enhance the coherence of their conjoint programme, with the permission of the Pro Vice-Chancellor of the Division or delegated authority.
- The field of the Degree is as specified in section 14
- The Pro Vice-Chancellor of the Division or delegated authority may permit more than 120 points to be taken from outside the field of the Degree in individual cases.
- The Pro Vice-Chancellor of the Division or delegated authority may vary or waive these regulations in individual cases.
Transitional Arrangements
- These regulations apply to all new applicants for the Bachelor of Sport and Human Performance from 2024. Students who enrolled in the Bachelor of Health, Sport and Human Performance prior to 2024 may complete under the regulations listed in the 2023 Calendar.